journey by the water

2019 Goals: February Recap


In my first post for the year, I outlined why I don’t really get into “resolutions” so much as goal setting, and outlined my top goals for 2019. So, to help keep myself accountable, I will recap how each one is going, along with any tweaks or changes, each month.

I’d love to hear about your goals for this year and your progress in the comments below!


Thus, my goals for 2019 include:

Call one family member per week

Continuing my strong streak, I definitely talk to at least 1 friend or family member per week now. And I’m trying to vary it a lot, and talk to people I haven’t in a while.

I got to have an almost hour long amazing chat with Angela from TreadLightlyRetireEarly, whom I haven’t seen or spoken to since last spring’s trip to Seattle!

And I spent nearly 3 hours on the phone one day with my aunt and grandma! I may have to consider upping my minutes on my bare bones phone plan ?


Date night at least once per month

February is kind of a ‘cheat month’ since it has Valentine’s Day baked into it. We will see what happens in March.


Savings rate of 50% or better every month

This will be complicated since we both have a work mandated 401k, as well as an HSA and Roths to factor in, before any contributions to our mortgage, taxable investment accounts, and money market.

The market is crazy and net worth is not a thing I can control. But savings rate, we can control, and improve.

Oooh boy, this month hurt a bit since we finally got the Southwest card churn going. I think we are sitting around 40%, yeowch.


Max out both Roth IRAs by end of February

I got mine fully funded! We aren’t all the way there yet on the boy’s though, so not quite nailed it. But close, and we will complete it before end of March come hell or high water.


Veganuary (ish)

My lifelong intended way of eating is 80/20 plant-based.

Well Veganuary was a solid B+ overall I think, since the only little meat was self raised or high quality. However.

We got tossed into a Whole30, which takes away my precious rice and beans, along with other less good goodies like sugar and alcohol, so the animal meat consumption has skyrocketed. I wrote about why the boy will finish it out, but I’m jumping off the wagon <here>.


The Daily Dozen – I will do my best all year to stick to this

Again, with the Whole30, they take away all grains and beans.You need 3 servings of beans and 3 servings of grains per day for the Daily Dozen. So nope, the max I could do was 6 per day. At least there was significant overlap in the loving of greens, veggies, fruits, and nuts and seeds.


Do more of what is good or good for me

I’ve picked up reading again, between restarting an old favorite and several new books, and that makes me blissfully happy. I’ve also been annoyingly consumed with the quail and hatching new chicks, as I knew I would be. So, soul is full for sure. Still working on the working out motivation.


Make someone smile every day

Maybe I should actually track this somehow, but I am certain that I make at least my husband or myself smile every day. I also try to give genuine compliments at work, and to random strangers at the grocery store, gas station, etc.



Overall Goals: C so far  🙁

How is your 2019 going?


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