Tag Archives: be kind to mother earth

First Ever Guest Post!


So, one of my goals for my Seventh Year of Blogging was to post at least one guest post and accept at least one guest post.

I’d been working on a mammoth post, on a topic that is becoming more and more near to my heart, for several days. It was getting longer and longer every time I went in to edit, and was nearing completion. I was polishing up the last edges, when Angela over at TreadLightlyRetireEarly posted her One Year blog birthday post.

Now, I had “known” Angela for almost a year, since Military Dollar convinced her to join Twitter (and thank you for that!). Then in May I had the absolute honor of staying with her and her family in Seattle.

Turns out, she’s just as cool in real life! Cooler, actually.

And as it so happens we have a lot in common. Like frugality (duh) and saving money and investing. We both still have a lot to learn too, of course. But we also are both passionate about the Earth, loving it and treating it well.

So, since this article was all about my thoughts on our wasteful society and what I hope to do to help in any small way I can, I figured this could not be more perfect for a cross-blog post!

Angela agreed, and so today, I bring your Budget Epicurean’s first guest post as well as Tread Lightly Retire Early’s first published guest post!

Pursuing A Zero Waste Lifestyle (Guest Post From Budget Epicurean)