Breakfast Pancake Burger

Yeah, this one is definitely inspired by my adorable carnivore SO. Meat-man loves beef, pretty sure I only trump steak by a few points. Therefore, when we had a grill-out at a park with some friends and came home with some leftover burger patties, he was a happy camper.
As I often do on weekends, I woke up early, checked email and Twitter, blogged a bit, and decided what fancy thing I would make for breakfast. I love weekends because there is so much more time in the morning to make something other than pop-tarts or a smoothie. (Don’t get me wrong, I looooooove smoothies.)
I decided on pancakes. 
About this time, meat-man comes stumbling sleepily into the kitchen, and heads straight to the fridge. Upon noticing the nicely browning pancakes, and seeing the leftover picnic food, his eyes light up. I quickly made the connection too, and though it breaks so many nutrition rules, I had to admit I was curious.
Yes, I’ll let you have a pancake burger. For science.
It grosses me out personally, and makes my arteries cringe, but if the happy noises and time it took to demolish (about 15 seconds) is any evidence, it’s damn good. So if you’re feeling brave or want to make a man you know speechless with joy, have at this breakfast beast.
2 eggs, scrambled
1 burger patty
Maple syrup
1 slice of cheese
*Not counting this as a less than 5, because individual ingredients (pancake, burger) take several more ingredients to make.
Step 1: Scramble the eggs in a small bowl. Add to a hot, sprayed pan, and cook into a small patty themselves by pushing the sides into the middle with a spatula as it cooks.

Step 2: If you haven’t yet, make pancakes, at least 2.

Step 3: Make or reheat your burger patty, and place on top of one pancake.

Step 4: Cover with egg, cheese, and some syrup.

Step 5: Top with the other pancake.


This bad boy was about the size of my face.


Then when you finish it all, you can go right back to bed in a food coma. If ever I have a restaurant (le sigh) this will totally be a food challenge on my menu.


What’s your dream breakfast?

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